Press Releases

ACPHS Pharmacy Class Of 2027 Earns Their White Coats, Steps into Professional Journey

September 29, 2023

Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (ACPHS) will usher more than 75 students along their academic journeys to become pharmacists at the September 29 White Coat Ceremony.

The annual tradition of a white coat ceremony symbolizes a commitment by students to become competent and caring professionals. The cloaking is performed by faculty members of the College, who have the responsibility of guiding students on their path to becoming pharmacists.

A Snapshot of the Class of 2027 as they Receive their White Coats

Learn more and see the students in the Class of 2027 who were honored.

The time-honored event, held at the Albert M. White Gymnasium on the ACPHS campus, will include more than 350 family and friends and culminated at a reception in the Gozzo Student Center.

Dean and Vice President of Academic Affairs Anuja Ghorpade, Ph.D. who will preside over the event, said “Each year it is so rewarding to watch a new class assume their white coats. It is such an honor to guide these future pharmacists as they transition from students to professionals as student pharmacists.”

Following a formal procession on campus, there is a keynote address, cloaking of white coats, and recitation of the oath of a pharmacist by the students.

The majority of the class of P1 students hail from the United States with others coming from Canada and South Korea. Students represent nine states and one US territory, with the youngest white coat recipient at age 19 and the oldest at age 31.

About Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences

Founded in 1881, Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (ACPHS) is a private, independent college dedicated to educating the next generation of leaders to improve the health of society. ACPHS offers 17 undergraduate, graduate and doctorate programs including online Master of Biomedical Sciences and Master of Biotechnology programs. Students have myriad opportunities to extend what they are learning in the classroom at The Stack Family Center for Biopharmaceutical Education and Training (CBET), at student-supported pharmacies in underserved communities, and at The Collaboratory, a public health resource designed to alleviate community health disparities in Albany’s South End neighborhood. ACPHS ranks #1 in New York State for best return on investment by Georgetown University’s Center on Education and the Workforce and was graded an A+ for value by Niche.