Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences was recently honored by LifeSciencesNY (formerly MedTech) for distinguished achievement in research and academics.
Stack Family Center for Biopharmaceutical Education and Training Executive Director, Dr. Michelle Lewis, accepted the award on behalf of the College at the organization’s conference and honors dinner in Buffalo, NY.
Each year, MedTech recognizes members and partners with awards in a variety of categories for their dedication to the bio/med industry and commitment to improving the lives of patients world-wide. MedTech honored ACPHS for its leadership in New York’s life sciences revolution and for its contributions to life sciences education and research which have measurably advanced the field.
During the conference, Lewis also presided on a panel “Navigating First Steps: From the Lab to Clinical Trials,” with a half dozen statewide biotech leaders. ACPHS is an emerging leader in the biotech industry as an educator, as well as provider of workforce development and contract services. It has developed a pipeline of opportunities for students at various levels of their academic journeys to better understand the biomanufacturing industry. It has also been chosen two years consecutively as a host for the NIIMBL eXperience, designed to give first-and second-year underserved college students a glimpse into the biopharmaceutical industry.
Representatives from Curia, iuvo BioScience, NanoPharmaceuticals, Circuit Clinical and ACPHS unpacked
the process of bringing drugs to market
LifeSciencesNY (formerly MedTech) is an active association of over 100 pharmaceutical, biotech and medical technology companies, their suppliers and service providers and research universities which strives to connect, educate and advocate for the life sciences industry.
About Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Founded in 1881, Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences (ACPHS) is a private, independent college dedicated to educating the next generation of leaders to improve the health of society. ACPHS offers 17 undergraduate, graduate and doctorate programs including online Master of Biomedical Sciences and Master of Biotechnology programs. Students have myriad opportunities to extend what they are learning in the classroom at The Stack Family Center for Biopharmaceutical Education and Training (CBET), at student-supported pharmacies in underserved communities, and at The Collaboratory, a public health resource designed to alleviate community health disparities in Albany’s South End neighborhood. ACPHS ranks #1 in New York State for best return on investment by Georgetown University’s Center on Education and the Workforce and was graded an A+ for value by Niche.